
The PlantStructure package provides classes to assign TechnicalItems (e.g., TaggedPlantItems or PipingNetworkSystems) to a hierarchy of structures, i.e., technical or organizational groups.

Main Hierarchy

The main hierarchy consists of 6 classes:

For each object of one of these classes (except Enterprise), a parent structure can be given. A parent structure must be an instance of a class that is on a higher level in the hierarchy. For example, only an Enterprise is a suitable parent structure of a Site. The parent structure of an IndustrialComplex can be an Enterprise or a Site.

In order to capture these restrictions in the information model, some abstract auxiliary classes are used. For example, IndustrialComplexParentStructure is an abstract base class of both Enterprise and Site. It is used as the type of the ParentStructure attribute of IndustrialComplex:

Side Hierarchies

In addition to the main hierarchy, there are 3 side hierarchies: